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Ryan Dineen

Ingram Gallery

Title: Over the Cloud

Dimensions: 18" x 14"

Medium: Oil on canvas

Value: $3,000

Date: 2020

Courtesy of Ingram Gallery and the Artist

Ryan Dineen was born in Toronto in 1983. His lifelong Renaissance-style career is anchored in the realm of graffiti, celebrated in his iconic public art murals and classically complemented in his studio works. Inspired by his immediate environments, the artist’s bold and intrepid paintings continually underline the splendour, hilarity, and profundity of the world. His impactful visions of urban life notably share an equal footing with works that explore the majestic settings of Georgian Bay and the Great Lakes. In Dineen’s new and magnificent In Studio series, the artist captures the process of art making on studio walls that are filled with paint, the past, and future possibility. The paintings draw the viewer’s attention to works in progress as well as the act of creation itself, all while sharing a thread with pieces like Las Meninas by Diego Velázquez in their use of mise en abyme – presenting a copy or copies of an image inside of itself. Dineen’s use of this technique is far more real, however, as each image within itself is tangibly different, painted in its own marked style. Ryan Dineen’s paintings hang in significant private, corporate, and public collections including the Government of Ontario. He paints every day in his laneway studio in Toronto’s east end and gives back in ongoing hands-on community art projects with students and seniors. The artist’s large-scale murals are found throughout Toronto and beyond. Dineen is represented by Ingram Gallery in Toronto, Ontario.

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